you can find direct links to other Elisa and Goliath web sites,
as well as Fan Websites of Fan's. Also listed are webrings we
are joined up to.
note that all Web sites open in new windows."
Eight : Gargoyles - The Station Eight Gargoyles website,
home of Ask Greg.
Disney's Gargoyles Fan Fiction Resource Website
- A website devoted to links to help with grammar, punctuation,
character development, plotting, planning... etc,.
Gargoyles Fan Website - Probably one of the largest Gargoyles
websites out there. HUGE Fan Fiction archive.
Scotland's Scottish History - Very useful if you'd like
to do research on the country where the Gargoyles are set to
have come from.
Mail - Signup for your FREE @eg-group.zzn.com email account.
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more than welcome to help yourself.