this page you can find current and previous News and Updates
which have been archived under month and year, for ease of access."
November 2001 - All Pages have been updated with
the new pages. New Fan Fiction, Art Work and Theme Song Suggestions.
November 2001 - New The Fans and Poetry uploaded.
Forms for submissions on needed pages. The Elisa and Goliath
Story went under a minor site change, Side Menu has been replaced
with a newer one, and some links (guestbook and free email)
have been placed at the bottom of each page instead. New Section,
'Theme Songs' added.
October 2001 - One new addition to The Fans archives,
new Screen Caputres added for Awakening, The Mirror and Heritage
episodes. One new Fan Fiction added.
September 2001 - One Poem added to Poetry/Songs.
Two The Fans information updated.
August 2001 - Two new Fan Fics, and two Poems are
8 2001 - Two new additions to The Fans archives.
2 2001 - The New Look Elisa and Goliath Story Website
is unveiled at its' new location.
(The Elisa and Goliath Story website) are of course still needing
submissions... lots of them! So if you have anything you'd like
to add to the website, fan fiction, poetry, reviews, etc,..
be sure to send them on to the Webmistress.