Elisa and Goliath in Awakening
The Elisa and Goliath Story

w e l c o m e   t o  The Elisa and Goliath Story  w e b s i t e
The Fans

#-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Name: I go by Elisa or Jade
Age: 19
Country and/or State: Missouri USA
Email Address: ElisaMaza1@aol.com
Favourite E & G Episode/s: Any episode with Goliath and Elisa.
Favourite E & G Quote: Goliath: I never realised when you were human how _beautiful_ you are.
Elisa: You mean you thought I was ugly?
Goliath: Well ah... careful, updraft!
Additonal Info About Yourself:
Mostly alone.. I read cause I have not much to to other wise.

Gargoyles, Gargoyles:The Goliath Chronicles and their relating character's are the sole copyright property of Buena Vista Teleivision/Walt Disney Company and are used here without permission. No infringement of these copyrights is intended. No money is made from this web site whatsoever, it is here purely for entertainment purposes only.

This page was last modified on Thursday, 21 March, 2002

This Webpage Design is Copyright Demelza Watt 2002